prof. Michael E. Nielsen

prof. Michael E. Nielsen

The promises and challenges of religion during difficult times: Humanity faces a myriad of challenges in the 21st century

In recent years we have experienced a global health crisis and Europe’s largest war in decades. Disinformation campaigns have brought increasing social strife while economic disparity between rich and poor has accelerated, made worse by inflation. More broadly, the slow but steady warming of the planet threatens humanity’s survival.

At the individual level people must address the effects of these challenges. Disease and war bring with them economic hardship, and millions of people have lost loved ones. Fears about nuclear war are growing. Individuals also must grapple with rising social strife and division stemming from disinformation campaigns. Food insecurity is exacerbated by global warming and economics.

What is religion’s role in the 21st century? Does religion contribute to our problems, or does it help to solve them? How do religious belief and disbelief affect people’s efforts to cope with the challenges that confront us?

People often look to religion in order to deal with stress and strain. For many, religion is a means of seeking control and meaning during difficulties. Religion brings comfort and direction that helps individuals and communities establish priorities as they navigate turbulent waters. Religion may even offer guidance on economic matters to some adherents.

And yet, despite the potential benefits of religion, we also see religious devotion on the decline. Countless polls inform us that religious adherents are fewer in number across broad swaths of society. What is influencing the decline of religion? Are these factors the same in Europe as in North America or other regions of the world? How do those who have left religion cope with stressors, and are their efforts to cope effective? What might this suggest about the future of religious belief? I address these and related questions in this presentation.