

A nie masz nic zakrytego, coby się wyjawić nie miało. Przegląd zakresu badań nad trafnością w niedawnych pracach psychometrycznych w dziedzinie psychologii religii i duchowości w Polsce [in Polish]

Rafał Bartczuk, Catholic University of Lublin

The workshops focus on the advancements in contemporary psychometric theory, with a particular emphasis on validity issues and the development of psychometric methodology in the field of psychology of religion and spirituality in Poland. 

Meditation and Commercial EEG [in English]

Stanisław Radoń, The University of John Paul II in Krakow

The workshops will provide insight into the meditation experience with the commercial device Muse Headband.

Flow State and Mindfulness – Similarities And Differences [in English]

Mila Orlińska, Neuromedytacja

The workshops will show how to effectively use the state of Flow in work, life, and spiritual development.